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Petition Signing to Fund Ohio School Bus Transportation

Putnam St, Marietta, OH 45750 Putnam Street, Marietta

Education Works SEO is a non-partisan public education advocacy group that plans to unite southeastern Ohio voters in an effort to promote adequate and equitable funding for public schools. Its first public effort is a petition signing at a local …

Ohio Graduation Requirements Workgroup

Ohio Dept. of Education 25 South Front Street, Columbus

Much has already been written about the coming "graduation crisis," which the Ohio Department of Education admits could result in 30 percent of Ohio's students being prevented from receiving a diploma. In Ohio's urban centers, the percentage of nongraduates could …

Ohio Graduation Requirements Workgroup

Ohio Dept. of Education 25 South Front Street, Columbus

Much has already been written about the coming "graduation crisis," which the Ohio Department of Education admits could result in 30 percent of Ohio's students being prevented from receiving a diploma. In Ohio's urban centers, the percentage of nongraduates could …