State board member Brendan Shea introduced the “Resolution to Support Parents, Schools, and Districts in Rejecting Harmful, Coercive, and Burdensome Gender Policies.”
First of all, it’s ludicrous that this resolution is being promoted as “supporting parents, schools, and districts” with gender identity policies, when in reality, it’s simply a citation of a board member’s personal beliefs and political ideology.
According to the Roles & Responsibilities of the Board in its Policies and Procedures Manual, “The State Board is required to provide accurate, appropriate and timely data on the status, problems and needs of Ohio education to the citizens of Ohio, the governor and General Assembly to enable informed decisions regarding education.”
This resolution does not provide accurate and appropriate information, although in this politically-charged climate, it certainly is timely.
Sadly, Mr. Shea’s 3+ page document doesn’t reflect scientific and factual information; it even spreads falsehoods and misstates legal precedent. Not only does this resolution perpetuate harmful practices against LGBTQ+ youth, but it also directs local school districts to ignore federal laws if they don’t agree with them.
Ohioans expect their state school board to protect ALL students from harmful and traumatic discrimination and to help create a safe and welcoming learning environment for EVERYONE.
The upcoming discussion about this lawless resolution will be a frivolous waste of our school board’s precious time, while other more important issues are put aside.
All children in the Buckeye State deserve to be respected and valued for who they are- even those kids who are not what some people may want them to be.
Ohioans must implore the state school board to reject this harmful, coercive, and burdensome resolution!