Bucyrus ESSA Stakeholder Meeting

The Loft at Pickwick Place 1875 N. Sandusky Avenue, Bucyrus, OH, United States

Engage in a regional meeting to share your thoughts and perspective on the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and Ohio’s developing state plan. This meeting is an exciting opportunity to gather valuable input from various perspectives from local educators, funders, …

Toledo ESSA Stakeholder Meeting

The Toledo Club 235 14th Street, Toledo, OH, United States

This regional conversation is one of a series of conversations that the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) is convening across the state. Join this important conversation, a tremendous opportunity to collectively discuss ESSA and how it will impact our students, educators …

Cleveland ESSA Stakeholder Meeting

Cuyahoga Community College’s Jerry Sue Thorton Center 2500 E 22nd Street, Cleveland, OH, United States

ESSA has shifted broad authority from the federal government to state and local agencies, providing them with greater flexibility and decision-making power. Ohio’s state plan, which is required by ESSA, will be submitted to the federal government in 2017. Ohio …

Lorain County ESSA Stakeholder Meeting

Lorain County Community College Ben & Jane Norton Culinary Arts Center 1005 N Abbe Road, Elyria, OH, United States

In an open letter to their state legislators and Ohio Department of Education officials, the 16 public school superintendents in Lorain County have requested that Ohio not enact any legislation or regulations in addition to the federal minimum requirements of the Every …

Cincinnati ESSA Stakeholder Meeting

Cincinnati-Hamilton County Community Action Agency Gwen L. Robinson Conference Hall 1740 Langdon Farm Road, Cincinnati, OH, United States

This regional conversation is one of a series of conversations that the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) is convening across the state. Join this important conversation, a tremendous opportunity to collectively discuss ESSA and how it will impact our students, educators …

Cambridge ESSA Stakeholder Meeting

Zane State College EPIC Center 9900 Brick Church Road, Cambridge, OH, United States

ESSA has shifted broad authority from the federal government to state and local agencies, providing them with greater flexibility and decision-making power. Ohio’s state plan, which is required by ESSA, will be submitted to the federal government in 2017. Ohio …

WALK-IN for Public Schools

YOUR Local Public School OH, United States

  The Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools (AROS) is linking together parents, educators, students, school staff and community members in dozens of cities across the country on October 6th as they WALK-IN to support the quality public schools that all …

Portsmouth ESSA Stakeholder Meeting

South Central Ohio ESC 522 Glenwood Avenue, New Boston, OH, United States

This regional conversation is the last of a series of conversations that the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) is convening across the state. Join this important conversation, a tremendous opportunity to collectively discuss ESSA and how it will impact our students, educators …