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School Superintendents’ PUBLIC EDUCATION RALLY at the Ohio Statehouse

School superintendents, BOE members, school personnel, parents, and other concerned Ohioans representing over 70 counties will rally in support of PUBLIC EDUCATION on the South Lawn at the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus at 10:00am on Tuesday, November 15th.

There will be five speakers representing each part of Ohio. They will discuss three main concerns:

1) A voice in law making/policy decisions

2) The obsession with over-testing students

3) The ballooning Ohio Report card

The Ohio School Board meeting also takes place that day. Superintendents are encouraged to speak to the Ohio School Board on these topics as well.

Come to Columbus to support PUBLIC EDUCATION at the Ohio Statehouse on Tuesday, November 15th!

Event Details

  • Date
    November 15, 2016
  • Time
    10:00 am - 12:00 pm